。・゚・(best blog in the world )・゚・。
this specimen is in the works of perfection! check back later!
hello! this is the beta stage of a website my friend and i are gonna use!! Maybe more friends depending on if they want to join or not. We will use this to blog and post art (well mina will; she is the artist). maybe we will keep a diary of media consumption like books or films...i used a lovely template by rice!

strawberry cakes are a must. it is beautiful, tasty and very delicious. the cream is rich, the strawberries are sweet, the cake is soft and white. and all together, is the most delicious treat in the world.

check out this website for information and recipe on japanese strawberry shortcake (いちごのショートケーキ)!
hosted on (知るかぼけ) 2024, made with love.